The consultation on the implementation of resolution 1325 in Chiapas, Mexico was held on 22-23 April 2015. It was organized by the civil society organizations Centro de Derechos de las Mujeres de Chiapas, Formación y Capacitación, Project Counselling Services as well as by Luz Méndez, a member of the High-level Advisory Group of the Global Study on resolution 1325. The consultation gathered 27 people representing 12 women’s organizations.
In Chiapas, the violation of human rights of native people—including women—has created a serious challenge for women's access to justice, reparation and protection against violence including domestic violence and femicide. Furthermore, the region also has emerging scenarios of violence and insecurity linked to migration processes and to the activity of organized crime in connection with human trafficking, drug trafficking and trafficking of women for sexual exploitation. In this context, the specific experiences, challenges and recommendations of women’s civil society organizations in Chiapas and the region will be critical to chart the way toward a renewed commitment to the women, peace and security agenda.
The participants shared their concerns about the lack of access to resources and self-determination of women, the violation of human rights and in particular the vulnerability of women in a context of standardization of corruption, violence and impunity. The participants also pointed at the lack of protection for migrant Central American women in transit to the US, in particular regarding sexual violence and exploitation. Participants noted some legislative progress, but still pointed to limitations of women’s participation at all levels of government.
Key areas of interest and discussion included: